gratitude cafe

24 August 2012

i am thankful for...

- oodle noodle! - simple sunday afternoons with a babyfriend - dj-ing a rad gamer-geek wedding - coffee - mere christianity....seriously, the goods. - working outside on the veranda on a summer evening, fueled by licorice allsorts - late night theological discussions at steel wheels - halloween decor season is here! - coffee (again) - beautiful skies over the skatepark - helping my cousin get her sick horse on the mend - skatepark shenanigans - salt & peppa concert at the football game - 'screw you revue' at the fringe festival...laughed until i cried! - word. - hanging with this beautiful girl - 

well well, it has been a super busy couple weeks since i returned from boston, so i have combined two weeks worth of gratitude into one post! as always, keeping an attitude of gratitude helps me keep my head up when life gets a little crazy. other things i am thankful for include:

- deep talks at the skatepark - grace - five iron frenzy (always.) - sunshine - time to think - chats with johnny and b - opportunities to be patient - a god i can trust - deep chats in the hot tub with amber & landon - charlotte - sleeping in - finding birthday cards from my great-grandparents - the way music can make a crappy day bearable - gems of wisdom from c.s. lewis' mere christianity... blowing my mind right now. - the fringe festival...comedy, beauty & color - homemade smoothies for breakfast -

now, go on, what are YOU thankful for??

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