i'm in boston!

3 August 2012

newbury street. 

i am in boston and it's AH-mazing! since i'll be living it up this weekend with all sorts of bostonian adventures, gratitude cafe will be late this week. in the meantime, keep up with me on instagram (@sk_onegirlarmy). i'll be back next week, and have been snapping pics of all the beautiful sights that i can't wait to share with you.  here are a few quick pics from my instagram feed, for those of you who aren't that way inclined.

shopfront display of antique sewing machines... 216 of them! 

swimming at walden pond


  1. I heard they make nice buns!

    1. strangely, it seems that the 'boston bun' is a kiwi creation, or maybe a british one... but boston MA is the home of 'boston cream pie' and a dang good clam 'chowda' :)


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