gratitude cafe

5 September 2012

this week i am thankful for... 

- adventures in new york city! - sunshine, crystal clear water and friends - amazing food - antique shop finds (including this postcard from the fifties, of marilyn before she was a big deal - stories of hope at the jewish heritage museum in manhattan - the color purple...such a heart-wrenching read! - being a tourist...embracing it! (i usually try to avoid looking like one... but when in times square, do as the tourists ;) ) - seeing the phantom of the opera on broadway! a childhood dream come true - glitter manicure and kind of outrageous new jewelry - 

ay! 'ow ya bin? (new yorker)

translation: hey! how have you been? (english)

this week i am so thankful for out-of-the-ordinary adventures in new york city! i love it here, and i am so blessed that i've been given a life that i get to do things like this :) this is my second time in new york, but the first time was very brief, so i have had a chance to wander around the city and really take it in. and i love it! stay tuned for more photos...

other things i am thankful for this week:

- gym class heroes! - fun. - safe travels - lots of delicious, authentic food - time to think - great chats with jessie - jessie's rad friends - beauty in unexpected places - good coffee - wandering... - kayaking - sunshine - fresh air - road trips - sunsets - character-filled towns in new england - music - laughing so hard we can't keep talking - trying new things (in this case...chicken feet!) - cliche disney movies - a baseball game on coney island - life! -

what are YOU thankful for?? go on, leave a comment :) 

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