linkie poos

18 July 2013

from fathom's guide to surviving the apocalypse

well, it has been a fabulous week so far - on tuesday night i managed to make it to the front row for rancid & the transplants, which was actually one of the best nights of my life. i mean, i know that i tend to hyperbolize most sentiments when it comes to music, but seriously - rancid is one of my all-time favourite bands, and seeing them live from about 6 feet away was definitely life-time highlight material.

over the past week-ish, i've found some pretty interesting and inspiring things on the interweb.... check it out!

- fathom gathered up a list of hotels that will be perfect for escaping the apocalypse

- relevant magazine caught up with vampire weekend

- on being the kind of person you want to be.

- on talking to strangers

- a great reminder that living the dream starts now.

- i flippin love tiny houses, and think it's great that this family went 'tiny' to get out of debt and live more simply. love it!

- i think veronica varlow's danger diaries is my new favourite blog - this post on passionately DOING STUFF with your life was one of the best blog posts i've read in a while.

this article on race in r&b and hip-hop was super thought-provoking

- ideas for giving character to your rented home that cost zero dollars.

- this group of students took six challenges to simplify their life, and discovered that they can do more than just survive with less.

- thought catalog made a must-read list of quintessential summer beats

find anything good on the internet lately? let me know in the comments!

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