this week i'm thankful for...
over the past week, i've traveled thirteen thousand miles. no big deal. made the most of my last few days in new zealand, crammed the remains of six years of life into one giant, retro, salvation-army-special suitcase from the nineties and one guitar case, spent 2 days in transit (transit highlight - was so tired on the bus between auckland airport and auckland city that i fell asleep sitting up, with my mouth wide open, and my water bottle open, and as my hand drooped in sleep, my water bottle completely emptied... right in my lap. suuuuuuuuper classy traveler, right here.). got home, met my niece, went to church (SO good to be back), and had dinner with my entire family together. there has been plenty to be thankful for.
and around the internet this week...
here are some gems i've found. check them out!
- dan posted this beautiful song, about suffering, loss and a love that is bigger than we'll ever know...
- found catherine via sarah, and immediately followed - a woman in leopard print pants and black and white brogues, with red hair? no, i'm not actually just talking about myself here... love her sense of humour already!
- after some recent health wake-up calls, i'm motivated to get back to the basics of eating as clean and green as possible (yeah remember when i got close to a completely chemical-free diet & beauty routine... um... i've strayed.). this article came at the perfect time...
- an etsy shop full of travel-ey, quote-ey goodness...
- if you're going to bookmark a page of online resources, this is the only one you need.
your turn. what are YOU thankful for?
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