gratitude cafe : wheels that turn...

3 July 2013

i got that gas pedal leaned back, taking my time;
i'm blowin' that roof off, lettin' in sky;
i shine, the city never looked so bright... 

lately, i've been sooooo thankful for my car. it may be a little rusty, it may have been owned by 3 of my family members prior to me, it may have a jaw-drop-inducing number of kilometers on its odometer, but you know what? i love it.

my love for this little cruiser was amplified over the past month, since we've been having crazy rainstorms - and not just because i don't like waiting for the bus in the rain. the last car i owned had a very unfortunate, and practically un-fix-able, water leakage problem which made driving on a rainy day rage-fuelling. at the sound of rain outside, i'd hang my head, knowing that i was going to arrive home sopping wet (since the offending leak was directly above the drivers seat.) when the storms started here,  my heart would sink as i began to walk to the car in the rain, and then it would leap for joy when i remembered that my new whip keeps out the rain! simple things, people. i must remember to be grateful for the simple things!

not only does my little car keep my dry, it also takes me places - and not just to work and back. last weekend my car and i covered 1700kms of prairie pavement, on a rockin' solo lady road trip. it was awesome. stay tuned for photos of that adventure!

i'm thankful for my car - what are YOU thankful for?

p.s. she needs a name - any suggestions??

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